Monday, September 19, 2011

Journey Of A Lifetime

A blog about my Journey and my passion for travel.  I hope to share travel stories, travel reviews, life lessons, and advice from my experiences.  Unlike most travel bloggers, I regrettably am not currently nor have I ever traveled for what I would consider an extended amount of time (more than 3 months).  I have to get my fix in smaller increments.  In general, each calendar year I will travel internationally somewhere between 10 - 24 days and also take several shorter trips within the US.  I have a family of five, a career, a mortgage, lots of other real life responsibilities, and a borderline obsessive desire to experience and see all that the world has to offer.  I am living proof that it can be done and I would love to share how I make it work and hear from others like me as well to learn from you.  I enjoy independent budget travel (public transportation, home stays, hostels, etc) to anywhere and everywhere.  I love to go to places that most people that I know wouldn't even think of as a vacation.

I will only offer opinions on places that I have actually visited, so my posts / opinions / lists may seem limited to some, but will always be based on my personal experiences and not something that I read or heard somewhere else.  I do not think it is fair to anyone or any place to do any differently.

Thanks for taking the time to read my travel blog!

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